Nutrition Counselling

Nutritional advice for improving and maintaining your pet's general health and well-being.

Your pet’s nutrition is vital to a long healthy life, and we are dedicated to keeping your pet healthy and happy through what they eat. We recommend an annual nutrition consultation for pets who are generally in good health. Elmvale Veterinary Hospital has a variety of prescription diets, vitamin and nutritional supplements for general wellness at all life stages and to help manage diseases. 

What is nutrition counselling?

Nutrition counselling is a veterinary visit that focuses on your pet’s diet. A veterinarian will assess your pet’s physical well-being and ask questions about their eating habits and feeding schedule. This checkup ensures your pet gets enough nutrients from their diet to grow properly and stay healthy.

How does it benefit my pet?

This consultation lets pet owners be more informed about their pet’s dietary needs. The veterinarian can recommend foods necessary for pets with health problems, allergies, or even special foods for kittens/puppies and senior pets. Nutrition counselling is also important as our team can help decode food labels and determine how much food your pet needs. This prevents pets from becoming overweight or malnourished.

What foods aren’t safe for my pet?

We encourage pet owners, especially first-time owners, to consult with a veterinarian before introducing new products or foods to their pet’s diet. While some foods may be safe for us humans, they can be toxic or even poisonous to your pet. You should avoid giving them the following:

  1. Onions and garlic: In any form, they can cause anemia in cats and dogs as it damages red blood cells. Pets can also experience nausea, abdominal pain, and diarrhea.
  2. Raw eggs, meat, and fish: These foods contain E.coli and salmonella bacteria that can make your pet ill or even lead to death.
  3. Chocolate: All types of chocolate are toxic for your pet, but unsweetened and dark chocolate are the most dangerous. Pets who eat chocolate may experience seizures, vomiting, heart problems, tremors, and even death.
  4. Xylitol found in sugar-free candy and some diet foods: Consuming these foods will cause your pet’s blood sugar to drop and can result in liver failure. Early symptoms will include coordination issues, vomiting, lethargy, and seizures.
  5. Avocado: It contains persin, which is dangerous for dogs. After eating avocado, your dog may have diarrhea or experience vomiting. 
  6. Alcohol: This is dangerous for pets as it has the same effect on them as it does on humans. It takes a smaller amount to cause problems for your pet. They will experience breathing problems, vomiting, coordination problems, diarrhea, coma, and even death.
  7. Grapes and raisins: We don’t recommend pets have this fruit as it can cause kidney failure. The smallest amount can make them sick and they’ll vomit, become sluggish, or even depressed.
  8. Milk and dairy products: Milk-based products can cause digestive issues resulting in vomiting and diarrhea. If your puppy or kitten doesn’t have a source of their mother’s milk, your veterinarian can recommend pet-specific milk formulas.

If you suspect your pet has consumed any of these foods, consider it an emergency and immediately take them to the vet. We provide emergency care during office hours; call us at 705-322-2661.

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