Payment Options

To provide the best quality care and to minimize costs, we don’t bill. Payment is expected at the time of service. We accept Cash, Debit, Visa, Mastercard and Discover. We do not and cannot accept cheques of any kind.


We understand your pet may need veterinary care that is unexpected financially. We are happy to have partnered with MediCard to assist you under difficult circumstances. 

Financing can easily be applied for by calling 1-888-689-9876 or apply online.

Pet Insurance

We encourage our clients to invest in pet insurance. There are several insurance companies with varying coverages and policies.

The Ontario Veterinary Medical Association has an information sheet with material on insurance for pets, policies and companies that offer pet insurance. Research and determine which policy will best suit your pet. It could really pay off and give you peace of mind.


Did you know that we offer affordable financing options for our clients? We have partnered with ScratchPay to provide you with the option to finance your pet’s healthcare.

Scratch Pay plans in the US are issued by WebBank, while in Canada, they are issued by ©Scratch Financial, Inc. ©Scratchpay (NMLS ID#: 1582666). Eligibility is required for these loan products.

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